Forum Discussion

robincares22's avatar
New Member
7 months ago

Host unable to Unmute everyone at the click of one button

Hi:  The new app does not allow me to unmute all participants at the click of one button.  This makes it very difficult as I am unable to control the meeting and allow the participant that I want to allow to speak to be unmuted.

4 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    7 months ago

    Hi Joseph66, welcome to the community.


    This is already possible in both GoTo Meeting Classic and the new GoTo App experience. Currently, if you are using the new GoTo App to host your meeting you need to merge the windows > open the People list > click on the 3 dots to the right of Caller 01 > select Edit name



  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    7 months ago

    Hi robincares22, I have looked into this and if you merge the GoTo App windows using the Merge option in the tool bar you can edit and rename attendees who dial-in without entering their PIN code. I've let the team know so we can correct this issue so it works in Pop Out mode as well.



  • Hello, I am wishing to request a feature be implemented. As an organizer of a GoToMeeting call, I have many different participants who join my calls on a daily basis. It is often that I find that participants who join my call do not create their display names for themselves in a standard manner that I have requested of them. I would greatly benefit from having the ability to change their display names in my call for my needs, rather than halting my meeting to request and instruct individuals to change their display names.