Forum Discussion

Chris Droessler's avatar
Chris Droessler
Respected Contributor
4 years ago

Closed Captions via PowerPoint - Difficulty using Windows

I have been using the closed captions in PowerPoint to have live closed captions in GoToWebinar using a Macintosh computer, but am having difficulty getting the full effect using Windows 10.


Read the basics about using PowerPoint to display closed captions in GoToWebinars here: 


The scenario is that I am the Organizer and Presenter.  The PowerPoint is running on my Windows 10 computer. I am using an external microphone connected via USB. This is the same microphone and external speakers I use with the Macintosh.


PowerPoint is capturing my voice and creating the closed captions. PowerPoint is not showing the closed captions for other people who are speaking in the GoToWebinar.


When using the Macintosh, my PowerPoint captured  and displayed the captions for everyone who spoke. My Windows computer will just display the captions for me, not for remote speakers.  It does seem to capture and display random words every now and then.


Is there a setting I need to change to allow my Windows computer to show captions for all webinar voices?

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Chris Droessler  The fact that some but not all captions are working is very strange.  Are you sharing the entire screen, or just the part where PPT slides are shown? 

    • Chris Droessler's avatar
      Chris Droessler
      Respected Contributor

      I am sharing the entire screen, a second display connected to the computer.  A colleague on her Windows computer as Presenter in GoToWebianr experienced the exact same issue.  


      Our experience is that on Windows, the closed captions in PowerPoint work for people local to the computer but will not hear voices coming from remote people via GoToWebinar.



      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        OK, I see what you mean.  I'll see if this behavior is known for Windows users. 


        We are also working on a GoTo solution that should accomplish the same goals.  More info to come on that soon...