I have been called over 15 times to customer support. I am currently on hold for 1 hr. I have redone my campaign 3 times! Just saw it was rejected again. I went over everything and used the language suggested by Grasshopper and its still got rejected. I am losing my mind!! I do not know what this means or what they want me to do now. I called other VIOP providers and they say even if I switch I will have to redo the registration from scratch and approval takes 20 days. This is so messed up. I cannot believe that Grasshopper is not answering the darn phone.
Reason for Failure: DCA2: Needs compliant and accurate CTA information, Opt-in message/Confirmation MT must contain brand name, HELP, opt-out, mssg frequency and associated fees disclosures. Opt-out message must contain brand name and indicate that no further messages w