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How manually setting a Dolby Voice Room Provisioning Server with Goto ?



We have purchased a Dolby Conference Phone (model: VCP9000). I need to provision this phone with a GoToMeeting account. How should I proceed?


I can't find the URL for provisioning the phone, similar to the process outlined in the article for BlueJeans:




The plug and play feature isn't working, and I need to provision it manually.

Thank you for your help.

GoTo Manager

Re: How manually setting a Dolby Voice Room Provisioning Server with Goto ?

Hi @samtoto, welcome to the community.


I believe that Dolby Voice Room has been discontinued, which is why we are no longer offering it. You can still join GoTo Meetings and using the system however:


Glenn is a member of the GoTo Community Care Team.

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Manually Provisioning a Dolby Conference Phone for GoToMeeting

To manually set up your Dolby Conference Phone (model: VCP9000) with GoToMeeting, you'll need to use the Dolby Voice Room Provisioning Server. Since there are no specific instructions available like for BlueJeans, reach out to Dolby support for guidance on manual provisioning for GoToMeeting.