ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsSet Time available for Test Two issues associated with testing time. 1. Availability of the test after sent There should be an option to set a range of testing availability dates. This eliminates work overload for the organizer. 2. Likewise, the evidence must have a deadline for its presentation. Give time options, 30 min, 1 hour, 1.30 min. etc If any of these options already exist please let me know. Re: SOLICITUD DAR DE BAJA MI SUSCRIPCION Cuando me contactan Glen?? Saludos Re: SOLICITUD DAR DE BAJA MI SUSCRIPCION He hecho todo el proceso tedioso que ustedes colocan para cancelar el serivicio, como diligenciar encuestas, mensajes de lamentación porque nos retiramos, pero nunca envían el correo automatico de confirmacion de la solicitud de retiro. Esto es algo incomodo. Ojala me puedan contactar. Re: SOLICITUD DAR DE BAJA MI SUSCRIPCION Señores Lamento decirles que su servicio es mas que pesimo. Para la cancelacion del servicio las instrucciones son malas o dificiles de proceder. No hay posibildad que ustedes notifiquen que la cancelacion ha procedido. No entiendo porque sus procesos para desertar de este servicio son complejos. tienes mis numeros de contacto he creado un caso, pero ni el servicio telefonico funciona. Caso 20099082 Re: Random evaluations or tests. Hi Kate Not necessarily. I am thinking of having the option of uploading 2-3 evaluation versions and having these sent randomly. I understand that when the evaluation is completed, the results will be received according to the type of test version that the student done. Only until that moment I will realize which version of the evaluation corresponded to each student. Re: Time available for Test Hello Kate. I appreciate your kind response. Exactly, I would like to send the test and make it available for a certain period of time. In my case I do the sessions on Fridays, so I would like to set a period of time per days. Random evaluations or tests. Create two or three types of tests for the same session and sent them randomly at the end of the course. This reduces the possibility of sharing and copying the results. Re: Pictures within tests on Goto Training Totally agree, pictures bring us opportunity to share cases or previous experiences to complete the learning. Hope to have go news soon.