Forum Discussion
Hi cmodesign ,
Could you please let us know what's operating system your host(remote) computer is running on?
(The computer that you are trying to access)?
and have you enabled "new screen blanking feature"?
- arifali7 months agoGoTo Contributor
cmodesign while I wait for your answer to know your host operating system, I want to let you know that we do support DisplayPort, the support article is outdated and we need to update it.
However, the DisplayPort is supported only for host computers on Windows 10 version 2004 and newer.
To get it working its mandatory to enable the "New Screen Blanking feature".
Please do give it a try and let us know if its not working for you, our support team can help you troubleshoot.- cmodesign6 months agoNew Contributor
I do have this setting turned on (checked) - "New Screen Blanking feature". This does not make a difference. For reference, my Host computer is running Windows 11 and my remote Client computer is running Windows 10. Perhaps that is what is causing the problem.