Forum Discussion

Active Contributor
5 years ago

Incompatible with macOS Catalina

I've reviewed several threads on this, but can't seem to find the answer.    How do I get GTMPC to work with mac OS Catalina?   Thank you.
  • GlennD's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi 0000000000, welcome to the community.


    I have been informed that the best practice is to check if path C:\Windows\Sysnative\msg.exe exists and then refer msg.exe this way in the shell, otherwise you may call simply msg.exe. 



    It is recommended to use the following code in a CMD file:
    if exist C:\Windows\Sysnative\msg.exe (
         C:\Windows\Sysnative\msg.exe blabla........
    ) else (
         msg.exe blabbla...

    I hope this helps.