Forum Discussion

GTT_User's avatar
Active Contributor
8 months ago

GTT Classic View

Please do not decommission the GTT Classic View.  I feel that the newer graphical user interface is very cumbersome and involves too many mouse clicks for the host. I also noticed that GTT has not re...
  • GlennD's avatar
    8 months ago

    Thank you. When your students join your session they will most likely start with the combined window view, so the Materials button will be located at the top.



    If they have popped out the windows so they can place them where they want, it is located in the toolbar. 



    You can add and remove features from your toolbar using the + and - signs and it will be remembered for your next session, as will where you placed the windows.


    The reality is that the Classic experience will eventually be retired for good. The code Classic uses is old which means it is more work to maintain and develop new feature for. As for the UI, those changes continue to be driven by feedback we receive. We have made improvements to the GoTo App since it was introduced and more planned, like docking the toolbar on the side of the screen similar to the Classic experience.