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TrainingRINA's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Recommended streaming speed FPS - Resolution - Bit rate


Can anyone advice the "recomended" / optimal Frame rate FPS, Resolution and bit rate to use (I'm using manycam virtual webcam software to combine material with green screen and personal appearance by web cam - "as in class room" )

i.e. if the stream is typically distributed by GoTo hardware/servers/cloud to recipants at 25 fps 720p with target bit rate approx 1500 or lower, then higher settings at streaming/upload is useless, especially if streaming up with higher resolution and frame rate than the GoTo software at trainers PC is allowing anyway, or at GoTo servers/services performing the distributing, then rendering/converting to lower distribution rate or resolution by hubs of hardware/software will have a natural potential risk of loss and/or blurring etc. 

I have noticed raising to 1080p 30 Fps and 3000 target bit rate does not improve on recipent end, on the contrary, some details "font's" sent seems a bit more distorted compared to the upload view. 

(at 720p sending it appear "just" blurred at recipent end).

As well noticed, refresing of the browser in the recipents end of line can change the recipent recieved resolution, "apparently" negotiating speed with the GoTo server/service. Best case optained is slightly blurred at recipent compared to the "clear" 720p at sending end, i.e not ever getting a clear720p (1280x720) at recipents for webcam recipt. 

Well aware that recipents internet connection, if slow, inconsistent or large latency etc. will have impact, and the Server/service potentially will lower the "quality", however this tested at GoTo training seesions with wired stable upload (+100 Mb/sec internet avilable for upload) and with one recipent, just to make sure it's not due to GoTo server/services being loaded multiple recipents  ( the recipent having a stable +300 Mb/sec internet available for download ).

I would like to know what settings are reasonable to stream / upload by GoTo web cam, please not what the "commercial" selling point of max peak GoTo cabability, but merely the reasonable average for consistency.  

  • Hi,

    What I can offer is the maximum frames per second rate, which is currently 30 f/s for webcam sharing.  This number may go down a bit though if you are sharing multiple webcams simultaneously.

1 Reply

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago


    What I can offer is the maximum frames per second rate, which is currently 30 f/s for webcam sharing.  This number may go down a bit though if you are sharing multiple webcams simultaneously.