Forum Discussion

venom12's avatar
New Member
5 years ago

Hamachi is blocking my wifi windows 10

So I have a friend who's having trouble with Hamachi I figured I'd try to help him out since he's not as computer savvy as I am. His issue routes from Hamachi blocking his Network 1 Wifi, blocking it...
  • SupCas's avatar
    5 years ago

    It´s possible that the hamachi network driver got a higher priority over the wifi or lan adapter.


    To check that you need to go to the control panel, network and internet, network connections, properties of the wifi adapter. Now select "internet protocol version 4" and go to properties.


    Something like this:

    Network sharing tab randomly disappeared Windows 10. - Microsoft ...


    Now click on "advanced"

    How to change the network adapter settings in Windows to ...


    When the "advanced" windows opens you´ll see this:

    How to arrange network connection on Windows 10


    That intercafe metric needs to have a lower number than the Hamachi adapter. If it´s automatic uncheck the box and put a number 1, for example.


    Do the same thing to the lan adapter if you want. Put number 2 for it.


    Now go to the Hamachi adpater and in the same spot make sure it got a high number, like 9000. No problem with that.


    If you do that your windows will know which network adapter got the priority when it starts. Wifi, Lan and then Hamachi, and it should never try to use Hamachi and the primary.