ksloane's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago

Display logged in user on computers page and client app

I saw there was a similar post to this, but they had very specific needs and it was commented that this was not something being planned.  All I want is a field on the computers page (and the client app computers) that is searchable (if possible) and displays the logged in user of the computer.  Looking at the dashboard of the machine, that is the Interactive User Field.

What happens is a user calls me and says they need help.  I can narrow down what pc they use easily by location and department in the host name i set, but it is hard for me to determine if they have f-sal-01 or f-sal-02 or f-sal-03, etc.  If i could see who logs in to the pc, i can quickly identify and connect.  I know you can lable machines, but people bounce around regularly and that would be impossible to manage.  Please add this field, so i can support users more effiently.  I had continuum before and they had this feature and they used to use central for the remote piece.  its definitely possible.  Thanks!

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