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- ProCentPM3 years agoGoTo ContributorStatus changed:AcceptedtoDelivered
Hey itteamtsn ,
You request is delivered now. Both Windows Updates and Application Updates now contain a so-called Host Availability column that allow you to order your computers according to their availability.
- ProCentPM3 years agoGoTo ContributorStatus changed:NewtoAccepted
- ProCentPM3 years agoGoTo Contributor
Hey itteamtsn,
We do check these ideas, try to do it on a weekly basis. Central has countless stakeholders, and we receive a lot of improvement and other ideas besides maintaining the product. I kindly ask for your patience.
- AshC3 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
itteamtsn Yes, we are actively reviewing new ideas for development. This section of the Community is where customers can comment and follow new ideas to add weight to new enhancement possibilities.
- itteamtsn3 years agoActive Contributor
Does anyone actually review these suggestions? It feels like a black hole for ideas.