- MJCrowley7 years agoVisitorWhy was this marked as a solution?
- Brenda_Stutsky7 years agoNew Member
Deleting "selected" historical webinars and/or meetings is a much needed feature. As noted, there are many "test" webinars that need to be deleted along with webinars that were pre-recorded - start/stop/start again. This would free up server space for GoToWebinar/Meeting and clean-up lists with unwanted webinars - starts to get confusing when pre-recording as to which webinar is the "right" final one.
- ryanz7 years agoVisitorOkay, perfectly clear for me now. Thanks!
- AshC7 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
ryanz Correct. Practice Mode is strictly for Staff members to connect in advance of the actual broadcast, for the purpose of pre-session coordination etc.
To actually practice a live broadcast I usually schedule a duplicate webinar for all Staff.
- ryanz7 years agoVisitor
AshC so does that mean if I click the "Practice" button in the dashboard, then while in the practice mode I click the "Start Broadcast" button, it will be open for registered attendees to hear audio and see what we share?
If the answer to the above question is "yes" then I don't understand the purpose of a practice mode.
- AshC7 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
ryanz I can assure you that Attendees cannot join a scheduled GoToWebinar until an Organizer officially starts the broadcast for all participants. I'm afraid past webinars cannot be deleted from the history / analytics at this time.
- ryanz7 years agoVisitor
I like to do a quick practice run with my panelists the day prior to the webinar so I use the built-in practice mode. I have a few questions about this...
- If I click "start broadcast" during practice mode will registered attendees be able to join? If yes, why have a practice mode at all?
- Can I permanently remove this from analytics? It's annoying that the practice run shows up in the analytics section and shows registrant and attendee numbers... so I have to filter it out every time I go to the anayltics page.
- Cédric497 years agoActive Contributor
AshC Thanks for your reply.
Though my wish is not to "anonymize attendance", but to remove / delete a past webinar that I used as "test" for instance = I do these "test" webinars about twice a year, to make sure my whole system works properly (cam, mics, PC, recordings...), as if in "real conditions"
But then it would be useful to remove them from my history (so my KPIs or navitaging gets easier...)
Good if you can push the idea to to management ;-)
And thanks for your help anyway.
- AshC7 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Cédric49 MPruss While we cannot delete specific events from GoToWebinar history, we can anonymize attendance data from reporting to comply with privacy regulations.
- Cédric497 years agoActive Contributor
Any news on the possibility to "delete old webinars" ?
I have the same issue, with some "test" webinars I'd like to remove from history...
(at least : can I submit webinars'IDs to remove, to someone in charge ?)