damians's avatar
New Member
2 years ago
Reviewed by moderator

Import more than one video to video library

We move our webinar library from one system to another one. We have around 50 webinars that we need to move into GTW. Unfortunately, it's super time-consuming for us as I can't upload more video materials at one time and I need to do it one by one. It seems that this is quite an outdated approach and now - every system where you host videos or files (like Google Drive or YouTube) enables you to upload several files at one time. Maybe you can consider removing the limit of uploaded files at one time?


  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    7 months ago

    hi KerryLeaK, welcome to the Community. At this time downloading the full video library in bulk isn't available. I moved this thread to a similar request in our idea section where others can like and comment on this idea. 



  • KerryLeaK's avatar
    New Member
    7 months ago

    I also would like to be able to download the full video library of a few of my monthly series. Disappointed they don't have this functionality.  Maybe in the near future?

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator

    Thanks for your idea, we will share it with the team. 

  • Is there a way to bulk download or export of the complete video library or can this only be done by downloading each video individually?