HappyHippo's avatar
3 years ago

Integrity checks on LMI / repair installation

We have various devices that have been deployed over the years and for some reason, random devices (a few hundred) appear to be missing files within the LMI installation folder. For example, a third_party_host_x64.exe is missing, libwaapi.dll, libwaheap.dll, libwalocal.dll, libwaremoval.dll, libwaresource.dll, libwautils.dll are also missing. We are having to script these across via LMI One2Many into the installation directory or reinstall LMI. These devices are not physically accessible due to their location. After doing this, it allows us to detect AV versions etc... but this is a manual task.


We really need to see an integrity check that can be initiated remotely or is run routinely. If a file is detected as missing or the integrity hash check fails, it should be downloaded and replaced with the correct version or a repair.


We also have devices reporting 22 critical pending Windows updates available but on the device there's 0 updates pending - this is happening on 70+ devices now. Forcing a check for updates via the LMI Central panel returns 22 updates pending, even after multiple restarts and manual check for updates via the Windows update tool. Something is wrong. 


The update feature on devices that are missing these files are not fixed with an update, the dll files are still missing.

1 Comment

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago

    Hi HappyHippo,


    The software already runs a check when it starts up, any errors encountered should be captured in the log file. As debug logging is not enabled by default, the logs may not have all the details. If you have a computer that you have not run the script on yet, could you first enable debug logging and then:

    • wait a day before running the script on it?
    • reboot the computer and wait an hour or so before running the script on it?

    Once you have the debug logs please create a support ticket and attach them


    For the Windows Update issue. We would need also need debug LMI logs and Windows Update logs to compare. The best thing to do for that is:

    • Enable debug logging on the LogMeIn host
    • Go into LogMeIn Central > Updates > Windows > select a host
    • Under the Update settings page for that host, click on Check for Updates now
    • After 30 minutes grab the debug log off the host and create a Windows update log: 

    To create the Windows Update Log: 

    • Open PowerShell.
    • Type the following command at the PowerShell console:    Get-WindowsUpdateLog3. When it finishes running, the cmdlet will create the classic WindowsUpdate.log file in your Desktop folder.