LogMeIn (LMI) apparently currently does not support wake on LAN (WoL) functionality for any computer which uses "Modern Standby". Here's a link to Microsoft's website for some background info. A...
Support for Modern Standby
3 years agoContributor
Hi ProCentPM ,
Thank you very much for looking into this.
Sure - I can send logs. I can work with Support to actually enable that logging, but would you say that there should be any particular scenario that you would want to see demonstrated? Naturally nothing is being logged when the computers are powered down and the LMI servers believe that they are unable to be remotely switched on. So do you maybe just want to see:
- Enable logging
- Start remote control session just for a baseline
- End remote control session just for a baseline
- Shut down the computer
- Start the computer up again by either pressing the physical button on the tower or using some other tool (not LMI) to WoL
- Collect and send logs to Support
- Anything else?
Just for clarity - these computers can be switched on with WoL packets if I generate the WoL packet using any other tool. In other words, if the network cards of these computer receive a magic packet, they do wake up. It seems that it's just that the LMI servers think that the computers cannot be remotely switched on, and so the web portal or remote LMI client software gray out the option to switch on.