rosas's avatar
New Member
3 months ago

Corporate Billing Portal: Granular Payments

The old Jive billing portal provided more granular capability for paying invoices. 

The new billing portal only allows for the payment of the current balance outstanding, whatever that is.  Under ordinary circumstances that is fine.  However, if for some reason, I have more than one invoice to pay, I want to be able to make a separate payment for each invoice to ease my internal reconciliation process.  I want to post a payment to specific invoices. 

In addition, there could be a scenario where I may only want to pay part of an invoice (eg, an open dispute on a charge).  Please restore the ability to make a partial payment against an outstanding balance. 

I'm not sure why every time you move us to the new GoTo user interface, you take functionality away.  You've done with the PBX too. 

It's enough to drive me away from the product.






  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 months ago


    Thanks for the screenshot. I'm sharing your feedback with the team. Thanks for sharing how you made a partial payment with the Community. 

  • I just received my most recent invoice, which is incorrect.  So, I need to make a partial payment. There is no way to make a partial payment from the new billing portal.  Here is all you get when viewing an invoice in the new portal.  Now, I finally figured out that I display the PDF version of the invoice, click on its pay link, and it will let me make a partial payment; but, I shouldn't have to go through the PDF to make a partial payment.  I think that this is just a ploy to make this more difficult for customers.  I should be able to make a partial payment straight from the portal, and not have to go through the PDF.  


  • No, I couldn't.

    I've paid my most recent invoice, so I can't double check right now.  I'll have to try again in a few weeks.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 months ago
    Status removed:

    Hi rosas,

    There's no change in functionality regarding invoice payment. 

    You can click on the invoice you want to pay, then choose to pay in full or partial, etc. 

    Can you see those options?