Pharmagate's avatar
Active Contributor
15 days ago
Reviewed by moderator

Mute sound that accompanies pop-up notification when attendees join/leave

Hello everyone,

I have an idea which I would like to share with you.

My point is how can I tell who joined the meeting after enabling the access of the person who requested to join. I'm aware that, when a person requests access to a meeting and the access is granted, the person's name will appear among the other meeting attendees after they join; however, how can one tell who has just joined the meeting?

In other words, since currently the identity of the person who requests to join the meeting won't be available to the organizer/presenter when they request to join an ongoing meeting, is it expected that the new version/update of the App, at least, offer a notification of the person who joined after they were granted access (e.g., John Davies [or any name] has just joined the meeting)?

In my opinion, the point I'm raising here has important implications when it comes to the privacy of any meeting and its content because the way the current App is structured doesn't allow the organizer to control who can or cannot join a meeting. 

Thank you!

Moderator edit: title for clarity 


  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    11 days ago

    Pharmagate - you are right, I just tested this and I couldn't vote for an idea I created. Thanks for letting me know. I voted for your idea, having the option to see the notification without a chime would be beneficial. 

  • Pharmagate's avatar
    Active Contributor
    12 days ago

    Much appreciated. It would be great if the chime associated with the join/leave pop-up notification becomes optional, so organizers who want to remain notified about those who join or leave the meeting can still learn about it without necessarily hearing the sound.

    Note: it seems that I'm not allowed to vote for my own ideas. Is that right? Thank you!

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    12 days ago


    The team confirmed there is no way to keep the join/leave pop-up notification without the sound. We will keep this idea open for votes (you can vote as well) which will help determine what features will be implemented. Thanks again for sharing your idea. 

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    14 days ago

    Pharmagate Thanks for getting back to me. I don't see a way to turn off the chime (the ba-dup sound) without turning off the entire notification. I'm checking with the team and will get back to you soon. 

  • Pharmagate's avatar
    Active Contributor
    14 days ago

    Thank you for your reply. I'm aware of this option; however, is there a way to mute this notification (i.e., see the attendee who joins or leaves the meeting without the accompanying beeping sound)?

    Practically speaking, in large meetings, when I turn this option on, attendees complain that they get interrupted by the beeping sound that occurs when someone gets disconnected and tries to join the meeting again.

    Any clues?

    Much appreciated.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    14 days ago

    Hi Pharmagate Nice to see you, 

    This is available in the GoTo Meeting app under Settings, Session, Notifications, Notify me when an attendee joins/leaves. You will then see a notification of the name the person entered when they join/leave. 

    , you can