tomstepanski's avatar
New Member
2 years ago

The ability to keep specific GoTo App windows in front when using Presentation mode

I miss the cameras being in front of the screen i am sharing. How about an option to keep the camera screen on top, or in front of the screen i am sharing. 


Moderator Edit: removed additional suggestion and updated title for clarity 

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
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    This is now available in the latest update. 

    With this "Always on Top” 

      • Bi-default this option will be enabled, customers can keep all the secondary pop-outs (like WebCam Grid, Chat, etc.) always on foreground even when GoTo app is not in Focus. Customers can better personalize and decide the behavior of Pop-outs.
      • Customers can override this nature by opting to “Disable always on top” option from the more menu
  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager

    Hi IngeniousInc thanks for idea, I've merged your idea with similar feedback here. We are aware that customers are looking to keep certain windows on top. This feature is on the roadmap. We will update the Community when it's available.  

  • The window of attendees should have the option to stay in the forefront at all times.  It is frustrating to have to continually go searching for it when you click over to a different application.  I strongly feel that part of the benefit of doing video conferencing is being able to *see* the reactions of attendees when sharing things onscreen.  




    Unless I am mistaken, the previous version had this feature.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager

    CelebrateSpeech welcome to the GoTo Community, I moved your post to the GoTo Meeting idea board. We are aware that customers using one monitor and sharing the screen, need the option to pin cameras to the top. I hope to have this feature available soon and will update that this thread once it's available. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback. 

  • I am working with special needs people and I need to see their faces at all times.  When I share my screen and click or type anything on that screen, all cameras go to the background.  I have been in touch with tech support but have not had the issue resolved.  I have tried 'active camera' and all other settings that I know of to try, and nothing has worked.  Thank you for any assistance you can give. 

  • would like the ability to 'dock' or lock the pop-out window (the one shows the cameras) to be able to stay on top same as the toolbar.

    • KateG's avatar
      GoTo Manager
      Status changed:
      Reviewed by moderator

      Our team is currently working on this feature and it should be available in a future update. Please stay tuned. 

    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager
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  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    Status changed:
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    tomstepanski Welcome to the GoTo Community and thanks for your suggestions. I moved your post to the GTM idea section, feel free to kudo, the more kudos, the more visibility to the team. We have had a few requests to pin certain windows recently and will pass your feedback on to the team. 

    We keep each idea separate so I removed the drawing tool request, but I encourage you to comment and kudo this similar idea .