Toni Grondin's avatar
Toni Grondin
Active Contributor
9 years ago
Reviewed by moderator

Add search functionality to search by company name, participant name..etc

My company offers training to our customers on a daily basis. These trainings are required as they go through the onboarding process so we often need to be able to look up whether a customer has completed a specific training class with us. The current reports make this a very difficult process. It would be amazing if we had a search functionality that would allow us to look up whether a specific company or participant has attended and the date and time attended. If not a search functionality, updating the reports to allow for this information to be found would be fantastic. Running an Attendee Report by session is not efficient for company's completing training multiple times a day.


  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Hi there,

    We certainly appreciate the feedback for all LMI services, and take your improvement comments seriously.  I am sorry some GoTo development areas have gone untouched during our recent company merger.

  • I can not believe this request has been out there for 2 years without any response from the development team.  This is such a critical and necessary feature for both larger and smaller companies when managing participants.  I have been using GTM, GTT, GTW, GTA, and more for over 15 years and the development in making managing participants is really lacking.  From previewing registration and attendance reports instead of having to download them each and every time to have pushed reports for when a recording is viewed/watched etc.  So not having the search feature is a really big deal and should be made a priority in up and coming launches.