TrainingRINA's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago

Grouping of polls, tests and material in Library

Library stored materials, polls, tests and evaluations are solely identified by Name (and a date)

With various types of training events it it hard to determine for which such belong as well there is no revision version possible in the identification. The lack of such requires a creative naming just to reasonable manage this, and with various trainers / admin this is nearly impossible to mange in a proper way.

Suggest that two tags is added in Library elements, and columns added for these two tags to sort by  in listings. 

- one tag named group, where you can add a group / type name for type of training event it belongs or if it's a general used element.

- one tag named version, where you can add a version or revision ID, as a date of upload or creation does not necessary identify version / revision of an element.


This will facilitate creation of training events, minimize errors of attaching non applicable elements to a certain event, and as well management / quality control of elements stored in the Library for training. 



  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    12 months ago
    Status changed:

    TrainingRINA  I'm sorry to hear this, and do see that you are looking for grouping vs searching. 


    Thanks for the feedback here, I'm going to go ahead and share the information with the team. 

  • TrainingRINA's avatar
    Active Contributor
    12 months ago

    Thanks, but this does still require a creative naming by the individual trainer, meaning no consistency.

    A functionality where a row with a drop down choice or if not possible a text field to assign a group/name for poll, tests, material still needed, and a row for version/revision ID as the date of upload does not necessary indicate version/revision but merely when someone uploaded the file or created the poll or test...  

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago
    Status changed:

    Just released - New GoTo Training Materials LibraryIt's easier than ever to create and manage materials. With this functionality, you can now search for a specific material filtering them by the title, URL, date, and uploader.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator

    enhancements to polls and materials are coming in the upcoming months. 

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator