Is there a way to download report details in a format other than Excel or CSV? These are great if you are feeding them into a 3rd party database or reporting system, but if I just want to send my pan...
Additional Report Formats
5 years agoNew Member
While the download of report data into Excel/CSV formats is somewhat useful, the data are presented as an electronic sheet of paper to make it easy to print out and look nice. Sadly, though, to use the data requires significant user intervention in copying, formulas, or other gymnastics. For example, the "Join Time-LeaveTime" column mashes together several data items (I suppose so a human can read it easily)-- {JoinTime #1} - {LeaveTime #1} ({Minutes #1}),{JoinTime #2} - {LeaveTime #2} ({Minutes #2}), ...
Exceedingly more helpful for those who wish to create analyses would, at a minimum, be to separate the data items into individual columns, so that we can at least use "unpivot" capabilities. Best would be to give us the option to get the data in a truer "data" format instead of "electronic paper" formats.
I recognize and appreciate that you're not likely getting a groundswell from your users, so I'll give you to the end of the week ;). But might as well add my request to the 2,534,872, 976 other one-off requests on your feature requests!