Can you have attendees in GoToWebinar talk or text "chat" to each other during a live 500 attendee event??
If you can't - PLEASE - change it so they can. It is terrible that there is no way to have the attendees interact with each other -
We have a weekly webinar on the same day, and same time EVERY week. Our clients like to be able to come to the event and interact with each other - and with the GoToMeeting there is no way to do that.
Only the organizer can see the "Questions" from attendees.
Let us know if there are plans to FIX this, thanks!
Chat Ability for All Attendees
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- Fran_Simon8 years agoValued ContributorSo, after 12 years of using GTW, and even though I have asked for "direct chat" in the past, I've finally decided it is an asset to be able to control what people say by using the Questions Pane for chatting. I actively encourage my participants to use the Questions Pane to comment and share ideas and links. By using the Questions Pane, I get to decide which questions I want to promote to the group, and which I prefer to not promote. That comes in handy when some fool decides to promote his or her product or type gibberish during a webinar. I selectively promote the comments by answering the questions with a blank character using the space bar and clicking on "respond publicly". It works like a charm. It is a lot of work, but it's so much better than someone typing "bababoooeeeeyy" during the webinar!! And, by the way, I really find Adobe Connect unnecessarily clunky.
- Sam Coffman8 years agoNew MemberThanks, true and I remember checking that out. It is over 3x the price though to get the version that accommodates our numbers. GoToTraining is a good tool though for online instruction, I totally agree.
- GlennD8 years agoGoTo ManagerHi Sam, those features are also available in GoToTraining, along with chat.
- Sam Coffman8 years agoNew MemberAfter testing about half a dozen different types of webinar and online meeting platforms, I went with Adobeconnect. I've been using it for over a year now and love it. Used GoToMeeting both while working for another company for a few years as well as for my own company, but Adobeconnect is far better for a classroom environment. Webcam, chat, student breakout rooms, whiteboard, PDF & Powerpoint sharing, desktop sharing, multiple presenters, Q & A, Notes, URL sharing, file sharing and on and on. All pods that can be sized and arranged and saved as a presentation format.
- Chasidy8 years agoActive ContributorThis reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Chat Box.
I have a few presenters that LOVE participation during their presentation. Is it possible to make the ChatBox available for all attendees to use and see eachother's response? - AshC9 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Hi Sharon,
You can send a chat message through the GoToWebinar interface addressed to the entire audience.
Chat its self was designed for staff members, while 'Questions' were designed for attendees to enter them and Organizers to manage this potentially large list in their Attendee Questions pane. - Sharon Conley9 years agoNew Memberhow do we use chat with 100 attendees in our gotowebinar?
- AshC9 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
The main reason chat is not included for GoToWebinar attendees is because you could potentially have a two thousand person audience. Allowing attendees to chat could violate some privacy rules of certain organizations, and also greatly distract audience members. We do have Chat available for up to 200 attendees however, with GoToTraining, and 100 attendees with GoToMeeting if you feel that you need this function for your broadcasts to smaller audiences.
- Fran Simon9 years agoActive ContributorI work around that by entering in one blank space after every response and clicking "respond to all". It is time-consuming, but I do it. That's one of the reasons I always have someone else working with me as an organizer in every session. I sure wish there was a public chat option like so many of the competing systems have.
- Michael169 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Hi Heidi, it is currently not possible for attendees to chat with other attendees; however, organizers/panelists responding to questions do have the option to "Respond to all" when answering to questions, rather than responding privately to the individual asking the question.