- GlennD7 years agoGoTo Manager
While organizers do not have the ability to delete webinars from their history, we can delete your entire webinar account and history as per GDPR compliance if you close it. Please contact Support and make that request.
(updated 9/27/18 for accuracy)
- MPruss8 years agoNew Member
If you think this is an 'idea' then somebody should tell LMI that this feature will be mandatory in the new European dataprotection regulations in 2018. Nobody in Europe would be allowed to use the system if it is not possible to delete personal data that are collected with webinars. So at least the participants of the webinars must be deletable if not the whole webinar.
In Germany many companies use the system despite it is already forbidden to use systems where personal data cannot be deleted after the intended use. The pernalties for this are low until now but with the new european regulation will have penalties up to 10.000.000 Euros.
So i think this feature will be more than an 'idea'.
- Pearson8 years agoNew Member
I was wondering how, and if it's possible to delete your webinar history? Does anybody know if this is possible? Thanks in advance,
Joost Bakker
- MaiSpritt8 years agoRegular Visitor
We have the same wish, i.e. to be able to delete past webinars.
Right now, e.g. webinar insights is of no real use to us, as our test webinars and webinars that I create for dry-runs show up in between the "real" webinars.
Kind regards,
Mai Britt
- Bruno Gir8 years agoNew MemberMe too, i tried many differents things during my practice and I really want them to be deleted.
Thank you in advance! - Angela Doorn8 years agoActive ContributorI'm in the same situation. Would like to get rid of my test webinars. Any updates? Thank you!
- Vicki Auditore8 years agoActive ContributorI created a "copy" webinar - just so I could have access to the follow-up email text (you can't open a follow-up email that has already been sent - even just to copy the text) - Then I forgot to delete the "fake" copy webinar... and it rolled over into my history GRRR. It's not a big deal I guess - but sure would be nice to be able to delete a webinar from history - especially if there are no registrants (as some other folks mentioned in this string.) Thanks -
- Deborah118 years agoNew MemberIs there a target date for when this will be ready? Is it possible to send a list of webinars to delete from our history by the support staff?
Thanks - AshC8 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Not yet, Charissa--- but I have changed this thread to an 'Idea' so it can be categorized appropriately.
- Charissa Rentie8 years agoNew MemberAny news? I really want to get rid of all my test webinars.