GiovanniPR's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago
Reviewed by moderator

Include participation time in the certificate

Is it possible to change the format of the certificate of participation by also inserting the time (e.g. 4.30-5.30 pm)? If yes, what is the procedure? Thank you

Italian: E' possibile modificare il formato dell'attestato di partecipazione inserendo anche l'orario (es. 16.30-17.30) ? Se si, qual è la procedura? Grazie


  • How are we doing on this? I think we're paying a lot of money for very few updates. The certificates should at least include duration, but prefarably it should be possible to customize them even more. Thanks! 

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    5 months ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    5 months ago
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  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    12 months ago

    LinaK thanks for the feedback! 

    As an FYI, if you press the red hand next to the original idea, it will vote/kudo. We are going to try to make this instruction more clear. 

  • Yes, please insert the time and the length of the webinar 🙂 We vote yes! 

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago

    IUMIeducation I moved your comment to a similar idea on our idea forum. We review comments and votes (please feel free to vote) regularly. Thanks for you taking the time to express your experience with us. 

  • Hi,

    we are having the same issues. Our webinar attendees require a certificate for their CPD record and that certficate must include the data how long the session was they attended. Additional content discribtion would be usefull, too.

    We're with GoTo for 4 years now and the certificates have not improved at all, besides several requests for a better certificate. As we  currently have to create them manually, we would need to move to an alternative provider soon due to the rising demand for certificates. Please get your devlopers on that case asap.

    Thank you.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator
  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago
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    GiovanniPR Nel momento in cui ciò non è possibile, ho spostato il tuo commento nella nostra sezione delle idee in modo che altri possano visualizzare e votare la tua idea. Non esitate a votare voi stessi!