Vicki Auditore's avatar
Vicki Auditore
Active Contributor
8 years ago

Shared content library to re-use Polls, Surveys, Videos and Branding

I wish ALL stuff with go to webinar was a "library" feature - logos for branding, survey questions, poll questions, handouts... etc. It is annoying to have to reinvent the wheel each time - or try to remember to "clone" the appropriate webinar so all the stuff copies over. It would be nice to be able to pick from a menu of stuff in your account. 

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Handouts for all Sessions in a Webinar.

  • I've found GotToWebinar to be a great product, but a few tweaks could make it a notch better.


    The most glaring one is survey creation. It would be oh so fabulous if a survey could be created and saved outside of a webinar in a "survey library" (so if a person forgot to copy an existing webinar that had their ideal survey), they could pull the desired survey in via a selection tool of pre-saved personal (account) surveys and not have to re-type everything by hand.


    If there is any way to pass this on to developers to see if this is something to include in a product roadmap, it'd really be helpful!

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Thanks for the feedback ZachEagle .  That's a concept (materials library) that has been discussed before, in several forms.  If we do develop a shared library we'll be sure to update the Community here with the details of the release. 

      • ZachEagle's avatar
        New Member

        Good to know. Glad other minds have had a similar idea and workflow to be more prodctive with the product. If there is ever a way end users can vote on desired feature sets to include in the product roadmap or sprints, I'm happy to cast my two cents.

  • itomlinson's avatar
    Active Contributor

    I recently migrated from GoToTraining, which had a main dashboard where I could add quizzes, polls, surveys, documentation, etc to my Library. Then I could apply those to any training session I wanted. That doesn't seem to exist in the new GoToWebinar dashboard or am I'm missing it? Can I go back to the classic dashboard at all?

  • We want to ask the same few polls in every webinar we present.

    - How did you hear about this webinar
    - Was the information useful
    - Would you like information about our user group

    Right now, I have to create the same polls/choices over and over again (and we do about 4-6 webinars a week!). 

    How can I re-use the same polls across multiple webinars efficiently?

    Thank you!