David Bishop1
9 years agoNew Member
What does an organizer need to do when setting up a panelist who uses Gmail as the "add to calendar" features isn't available like it is for attendees? I know that participants can add to a) Outlook, b) iCal, and C) Gmail; however, Outlook is the only option for panelist for some reaason.
David Bishop1
9 years agoNew Member
Ok. I kind of understand. It's not clear why this feature can work fine for attendees, but not panelists. The only difference i can see is who and how someone connects to an event, e.g., panelists are added by the organizer; whereas, attendees register themselves. I'm not a tech guy, but this just seems strange. The issue I have is when I have a panelist who uses Gmail, it makes me look bad to tell them this work around as it simply doesn't make sense to others. I've already had one event rescheduled as the panelist book something else because this wasn't on their calendar. When will this issue be addressed? I really like GTW otherwise, but this could be the straw that breaks my back!