GoToAssist Remote Support (v4.4, b1599) Desktop App

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GoToAssist Remote Support (v4.4, b1599) Desktop App

GoTo Contributor


  • Ability to switch to a dark theme (Windows only)
  • Fix for screen sharing on unattended Macs
  • Fix for displaying typed text within RDP sessions hosted from unattended Macs


What's New?

Ability to Switch to a Dark Theme

  • The news you've been waiting for is finally here!  Agents now have the ability to switch to a "dark theme" within the Preferences of their GoToAssist Expert desktop application for Windows.  Upon changing this theme setting to "Dark" (and restarting the Expert desktop application), the look and feel throughout the agent side will display in a crisp, dark gray color scheme.  Learn more. (GTAUP-4360, -4361, -4363, -4949)
  • The latest version is available for all Build Version Update settings in the Admin Center.  Learn more.

Light Theme vs. Dark Theme (Windows only)



Bug Fixes

Fix for Screen Sharing on Unattended Macs

  • A fix was implemented to allow agents to successfully view the screen and remain connected to unattended Macs - usually running macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).  Previously, agents encountered a screen sharing crash upon connection, which resulted in a black screen being displayed; this required the agent to end the session and connect to the unattended Mac again.  (GTAUP-5550)


Fix for Displaying Typed Text within RDP Sessions Hosted from Unattended Macs

  • A fix was implemented to display all typed text when an agent connects to an unattended Mac then hosts a Windows Remote Desktop session and types within the remote session.  Previously, when an agent typed within the RDP session, only the letter "a" would display for all keys entered.  (GTAUP-5618)
Version history
Last update:
‎05-15-2018 11:47 AM
Updated by: