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Frequent Contributor

"New" Softphone Toggle missing.. for some?

Hello! So this morning All my Contact Center users got reset and when that occurred some lost their wrap up timer pop up. This has occurred before and we would change pop up and reset cookies.. but what actually fixed it was tuning OFF the "new softphone" in the settings. Well,  I seem to have that option but  the user this is effecting doesn't seem to have that toggle at all?


Here is  hers:



Here is mine:



So, I guess I need to know if the new softphone toggle has been  removed for users? if so how do we fix the wrap up timer no longer popping up?  Second question, why would I have different options than my users? Is it because i'm a super admin?  Do others still see the toggle for the new softphone? 


Thank you for any help!

New Member

Re: "New" Softphone Toggle missing.. for some?

Its missing for us as well.


It has caused alot of confusion as the new soft phone doesnt have the same abilities as the old soft phone.

GoTo Moderator

Re: "New" Softphone Toggle missing.. for some?

Hi @cgiles32 , welcome to the GoTo Community and @mkeaton lovely to see you as always, 


Our team reviewed the thread, this is expected as part of the softphone rollout that is currently specific to your accounts.  To help clear up any confusion, someone from our team will be reaching out to you both. 


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 


Kate is a member of the GoTo Community Care Team.

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Frequent Contributor

Re: "New" Softphone Toggle missing.. for some?

Have to love forced on you changes with zero communication. At least you are able to answer my stupid questions 😃


Thank you @KateG  !

New Contributor

Re: "New" Softphone Toggle missing.. for some?

exactly. i absolutely LOVE that i am forced to change how i do my work on a daily basis without zero option to go back to other settings or look of the app and how it works. NOT COOL.