users trying to log into Gotomypc get stuck on the 2-step verification page. Even after approving the login request on our phones Gotomypc will sit on the 'please approve the login request sent to your phone' screen. Some users report that entering the one-time passcode from LastPass Authenticator app gets them to a list of available PCs, but then clicking on a PC boots them back to the login screen. At least one user has tried to get 'text/sms passcode on phone' to work and received a 'failed to send PassCode via SMS' message. One user got past 2fa but upon trying to access her computer she was left at a black screen rather than the Windows logon.
At least six of our users experienced problems this morning where logging into Gotomypc got them booted out of their computers, followed by GTMPC resetting, followed by eventually allowing them in. I do not know if this is related to the sudden onset of two-factor issues.
I have not phoned Goto about this yet because trying to find someone who will actually speak to me about tech support is all but impossible.
EDIT: is now giving me a 502 Bad Gateway error, THAT'S reassuring