Delete past training sessions from history?

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Delete past training sessions from history?

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Delete past training sessions from history?

Make it possible to delete past training sessions (trial sessions for example), from My Trainings History.

New Member
Hi Glenn, I should have been more specific. I don't want to delete upcoming training sessions but a couple that are already past. The sessions were used as beta environments and don't reflect real training sessions.
GoTo Manager
Training sessions that were held cannot be deleted from the Training History. When it comes to running reports you could possibly exclude them via the date range.
Kinsey HR
New Member
Has this been changed? I created a few test training sessions that I would like to delete now.
New Member
Not that I've been made aware would be a nice feature though. I don't know if Glenn turned it in as a suggestion or upgrade...
GoTo Moderator
Status changed to: Reviewed by moderator
GoTo Moderator
Status changed to: Delivered

The ability to delete manually and bulk delete is currently available.