Making Certificate Contingent on Passing an Automated Test in Anytime option

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Making Certificate Contingent on Passing an Automated Test in Anytime option

Making Certificate Contingent on Passing an Automated Test in Anytime option

I have users around the world and so they will be taking advantage of the Anytime feature to view the replays. When they have finished watching I want them to take a test which they must pass before receiving a certificate of completion.

Mary Phelps
Active Contributor
I agree with this; have not been able to use the certificate option for those training sessions which have a requirement to pass a test before completion is acknowledged.
New Member

For receiving a certificate of completion include passing parameters such as time attended [50 minutes] and answer polling questions [3 polling questions] and attendee receives customizable certificate of completion automatically. This feature would be a huge hit with the thousands of educators who present CE and CPE courses 🙂

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