Forum Discussion

AMTADMIN's avatar
New Contributor
5 months ago

Background Noise During Session

We had a recent training where because we could not get everyone to enter their pin we had unbearable background noise that caused the training session to be cancelled.  It does not appear that we can mute anyone until they have joined the training and entered their pin.  We may be going to only recorded trainings if we cannot resolve this issue.  Any suggestions?

  • KateG's avatar
    4 months ago
  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Moderator



    Welcome to the GoTo Community,


    I've tried to replicate your experience by scheduling a Training, then entering with a phone using a PIN and not entering a PIN. As the organizer, I had the option to mute for both instances. 

    If they don't enter the PIN you should see them listed as a Caller, with the option to mute or unmute. Can you tell me what you saw? 




    • AMTADMIN's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you for responding.  I did a test with just one person  today and they did not enter their PIN and you are correct.  I could mute her.  But, we had a very large number on the previous  training and the phone symbol for some was not green or accessible but was greyed out.  We believe those were our "problem children."  We sent them a PIN but still could not get them so we could mute them.  On a previous training we actually asked a couple of people to disconnect because they were unable to figure out how to enter their pin or believed they had entered it but we could not see that we had access to mute their phone.    On my test today, when my test attendee was unmuted we  had horrible echoing like we did during our training session.  Once she was muted it was clear.  


      • KateG's avatar
        GoTo Moderator