Allow Panelist(s) to See All Questions

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Allow Panelist(s) to See All Questions

Allow Panelist(s) to See All Questions

Not so much a question as a feature request.  (I thought we had a category for that.)

Please add the ability for an organizer to allow a specific
panelist (or all panelists) to view ALL questions.

Currently, must promote them to Organizer, which gives them the power to END the meeting.  I always warn them
when it's necessary to do this. I point out Exit Webinar vs End
Webinar should they need to withdraw from the session.  It has still happened by accident. 

It also gives them too many other powers, like ability to dismiss people.  Mostly it works out okay, until the curious "organizer" starts clicking on options!

Eric Hale
New Member
YES PLEASE!  We have to move each attendee one-by-one to be a panelist so they can participate in the sessions.  It is a hassle.  

We would really appreciate a feature that allows all attendees to see the questions OR allow all attendees to be automatically promoted to PANELISTS.  

Search "How to record presentations, webcam, and chat box without special software" on You tube for a workaround.   

New Member
Agreed - we always do webinars across the globe and would love all panelists to be able to see all the questions.
Risto Heliö
New Member
Please add the ability for an organizer to allow a specific
panelist (or all panelists) to view ALL questions.
Sharnel Ross
New Member
This is a great idea!
Frequent Contributor

After facilitating approx 80 webinar each year for the past 7, I still feel that Presenter status should see the Question box without being made an organizer. Only reason we give our faculty organizer rights is so they can field their own questions but that also means they can 

start broadcast, mute or unmute people, end the webinar, etc etc etc. Please make it so we can keep our presenters as presenters and still see the q n a. Thanks

Chris Droessler
Respected Contributor

It would be nice to have a check box to allow all panelists to see the questions.  I needed that feature yesterday, but could not promote the presenter to Organizer because he was on an iPad. 

If we allow panelists to see all questions, then that means questions need to be made available on the iPad and similar devices.

Frequent Contributor

Great suggestion 

Jonathan Spence
Active Contributor

When we host webinars, I am the organizer and our panelists are at remote locations.


Is there an easy way to share questions with the panelists without using the Chat function?  They want to review the questions before responding to them during the webinar.


Thanks in advance!

Chris Droessler
Respected Contributor

I think the chat is the only way to do this within GoToWebinar.  This allows you to send the questions directly to only that one panelist, or to all of the panelists at the same time.


Outside of GoTo, you could send the questions through an email or text message.  With the heavy use of the Internet right now, those may be delayed.

Webinar Chick

If you want to do it outside of the chat option, I suggest setting up a group text.  I test the group texts in advance to make sure a text will work with their presentation flow or style.  Use text to speech to add the question to your message.  Or, you can use it to prompt them to check the chat in GTW.   The best solution is to have all of the presenters and the moderator agree to a chat/communication process in advance.  You have to find the right solution for your speakers - one that doesn't impact the presenters as they present. 

Good luck!
