Chat Ability for All Attendees

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Chat Ability for All Attendees

Chat Ability for All Attendees

Can you have attendees in GoToWebinar talk or text "chat" to each other during a live 500 attendee event??

If you can't - PLEASE - change it so they can. It is terrible that there is no way to have the attendees interact with each other -

We have a weekly webinar on the same day, and same time EVERY week. Our clients like to be able to come to the event and interact with each other - and with the GoToMeeting there is no way to do that.

Only the organizer can see the "Questions" from attendees.

Let us know if there are plans to FIX this, thanks!

Sam Coffman
New Member
Thanks, true and I remember checking that out.  It is over 3x the price though to get the version that accommodates our numbers.  GoToTraining is a good tool though for online instruction, I totally agree.
Valued Contributor
So, after 12 years of using GTW, and even though I have asked for "direct chat" in the past, I've finally decided it is an asset to be able to control what people say by using the Questions Pane for chatting. I actively encourage my participants to use the Questions Pane to comment and share ideas and links. By using the Questions Pane, I get to decide which questions I want to promote to the group, and which I prefer to not promote. That comes in handy when some fool decides to promote his or her product or type gibberish during a webinar. I selectively promote the comments by answering the questions with a blank character using the space bar and clicking on "respond publicly". It works like a charm. It is a lot of work, but it's so much better than someone typing "bababoooeeeeyy" during the webinar!! And, by the way, I really find Adobe Connect unnecessarily clunky.  
Sam Coffman
New Member
Yeah, it's all a matter of what you need.  My webinars are actually classes that students pay for, so there's no weird chatter or people spamming their products.  There is an admin in fact that is posting links and more info as topics come up, and often directing the conversation.  
This couldn't be done with a situation where every single statement had to be monitored.
Valued Contributor
Oh, yes, I constantly send links and redirect convos. But I can see that could be cumbersome with Questions Pane in a class. I think GoToTraining is the product that most correlates to Adobe Connect. I think you are comparing apples and oranges. Last time I checked, AC was more expensive. But my question to you is if you use AC, not GoToWebinar, why are you in this community? No offense intended. Just wondering.
Sam Coffman
New Member
It started with a comment I made about a year ago I think in this thread, near the top.  Or for all I know I might have started the thread.  I was asking specifically why there was no chat available.  
Now I get emails when new comments come in and usually ignore, but always wanted to keep an eye on it to see if the technical side has ever decided to add chat.
The bottom line is that everyone has to figure out what tool works best for them.  GoToTraining is a good tool, just very expensive.  I tried it briefly.  AC has everything I need and then some at a price that works.
Valued Contributor
Ok, then! Best wishes.
Ishani De
New Member
Carla Burris
New Member
That's fine if Citrix is worried that some orgs might have privacy rules, but that's very obviously not a concern for many others (based on the large number of people asking for this feature). It seems simple enough to give us a checkbox on the webinar management page so you can CHOOSE if you want to prevent attendees from chatting.
Leo Qu
New Member
Excuse me, where is the chat box??? I mean in the new release v8.10.0 and somehow I cannot use my previous version(s) of GTW.
Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar & GoToTraining (v8.10.0, b7495) Release Notes.
Retired GoTo Contributor
Hi Leo,
The Chat pane for GoToWebinar Organizers should still be down at the bottom of your control panel.

If you are an Attendee, then you should note that Chat is mainly a functionality for Staff member communication.