Chat Ability for All Attendees

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Chat Ability for All Attendees

Chat Ability for All Attendees

Can you have attendees in GoToWebinar talk or text "chat" to each other during a live 500 attendee event??

If you can't - PLEASE - change it so they can. It is terrible that there is no way to have the attendees interact with each other -

We have a weekly webinar on the same day, and same time EVERY week. Our clients like to be able to come to the event and interact with each other - and with the GoToMeeting there is no way to do that.

Only the organizer can see the "Questions" from attendees.

Let us know if there are plans to FIX this, thanks!


Yes, a public chat option would be crucial for my needs.

Agreed. Everyone should be able to publicly chat with each other. And, it would be nice if I can ask an open question and everyone answers in the chat. Like "can everyone hear me?"
Public chat is pretty crucial for my needs. I wish they would add it.
Retired GoTo Contributor

Hi @itomlinson ,

We do have an existing thread on this topic, which I have merged now.  Regarding the timeline for development, we don't have any updates yet and will certainly let everyone know as soon as information becomes available.

Active Contributor

I like the idea of an option for attendees to chat with each other.  We looked at GoToTraning and it doesn't fit our needs as well as GoToWebinar.  Often we have smaller groups on a discussion-based webinar and we unmute their lines (individually, which is time-consuming, but that's another issue).  It would be very helpful to have the option to allow attendees to chat with each other so they could share resources and tips while someone else is talking.

New Member

I can not believe that there is no chat function for your webinar.

I have used 4 other webinar programs and all of them have chat.

I have to resort to an external program to use chat.  


Do you really think that not having this feature makes you competitive?

Chris Droessler
Respected Contributor

I respect your desire, but I and a lot of other GoToWebinar Organizers  do not expect to have a chat feature built into GoToWebinar.


If they do add the feature, it would be nice to be able to turn it on or off.


We have a webinar and really want the attendees can chat to all but it seems like it not possible? I went through the messages about that from last years. It looks like it didnt work while back then...not sure it has changed now?

Chris Droessler
Respected Contributor

Attendees can not chat amongst themselves within GoToWebinar. It has been discussed here many time.  You can use an external chat system like Twitter or Padlet.

New Member

Does GTW have a feature that allows attendees to chat among each other?  To share ideas, enable discussion, etc.?