Webinar Staff "add to calendar" link for Google Calendar and Outlook ?

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Webinar Staff "add to calendar" link for Google Calendar and Outlook ?

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Webinar Staff "add to calendar" link for Google Calendar and Outlook ?

The "Manage Webinar" page provides a link called "Add to Calendar".  In Google Chrome, the link just downloads an .ics file, which, doesn't help with Google Calendar.  It should either:

  1. be change to a drop-down (similar to what you get when you register for a webinar) that includes "Add to Google Calendar" (among the other options included in on the register confirmation page) <or>

  2. the link should be changed to be an actual ical link instead of just downloading an .ics file.



HootSuite App
Active Contributor
In response to @entrepreneurSF on Twitter: https://twitter.com/entrepreneurSF/st...

@gotowebinar or even at a bare minimum, the "add to calendar" option should give Google calendar as a choice.
Amy Donahue1
New Member
Has this been implemented? We also need to post our webinar events to Google calendar for our clients.
GoTo Manager
Hi Amy, on Google Calendar click Other Calendars > Import > select the .ics file to add it to your calendar.

You're attendees will see the option to add the webinar to their Google Calendar after they register, and it will open their browser.
Anne Jones
New Member
Please add a drop down for "add organizer details to my calendar" so we can add to our cloud based calendar. It is great for our attendees but doesn't help for the organizer.
New Member
Yes, it should.  When?
Peter Whitmore
New Member
Yes, please! What is the ETA for this? Thanks!
Cody Cassady
New Member
We're having a heck of a time getting our webinar registrants to click the URL in the auto-generated GTW event reminders to add the item to their calendar. Is there a plug-in or any way to actually attach an Outlook calendar invite to the email (On24 does this) that will contain their unique login information? If it was an attachment they could just open and accept, we feel like our audience would do that and thus remember to attend more!
Retired GoTo Contributor

Hi Cody,
Sorry for the frustrations there.
The 'Add to Calendar' option for GoToWebinar is for attendees to utilize themselves, after receiving confirmation of acceptance into the live event.  They are offered a link on the post registration web page, and also in the email reminders as you know. 

I would suggest registering yourself for a test webinar to see what the experience is like.  Each registrant has options to add for Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal, and Outlook.com.  If you want to add some special instructions, you may do so by customizing the email reminders for each GoToWebinar you schedule.

David Bishop1
New Member
What does an organizer need to do when setting up a panelist who uses Gmail as the "add to calendar" features isn't available like it is for attendees?   I know that participants can add to a) Outlook, b) iCal, and C) Gmail; however, Outlook is the only option for panelist for some reaason.
Retired GoTo Contributor

Hi David,
While there is not an option specific to GMail Calendars, Panelists are allowed to 'Save' the .ics calendar file themselves, and then bring that .ics file into GCal:  https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37118?hl=en

I apologize if this is an inconvenience.