Forum Discussion

Sarah96's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Attendee waiting room language issue

Please can you help!


We run multiple webinars and lately some of our attendees are hearing a spanish voice while in the waiting room.


We have made sure everything on the back end is english.


Please advise why this could be happening?


Thank you


  • AshC's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hey everyone,

    This issue should be fully resolved, so please let us know if you hear any more complaints from attendees.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi Sarah,

    I don't believe I've heard of this reported before. 

    Are any attendees dialing into a country that mainly speaks Spanish? 

    Are you able to test your next event as an Attendee dialing in early?  

    • Sarah96's avatar
      Active Contributor



      thank you for getting back to me,


      I dial in before hand it is english for me, but some of my colleages dial in (from South Africa) and they are recieving it in Spanish. ( but not only attendees from South Africa)


      it happened again in our webinar yesterday. 


      Kind Regards


      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        Which countries are they dialing specifically?  Can we have the affected phone numbers when this happens? 

  • Pracsis's avatar
    New Contributor

    Can the language of the voice announcements in the waiting room be set by organizers? Or can the announcments be turned off completely?

    During a recent webinar with 15 attendees--none located in German-speaking countries or on devices with DE settings--the voice announcment was inexplicably in German. 

    Dashboard settings were in EN.

    Webinar ID




    • Pracsis's avatar
      New Contributor

      I see that other users have experienced the same in the past. Any response?

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        Hi Pracsis

        Could you please share how the webinar event was scheduled (what type of broadcast), and if it was copied from another webinar at any time?