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GoToMeeting News

GoToMeeting Desktop App (v8.19.0, b8126) Release Notes

ginnyc's avatar
GoTo Contributor
7 years ago

Hey Windows users, are you working on a small computer or continuously resetting your Viewer? We've got solutions for you!  Say goodbye to squinting because you can now zoom in and pan around a shared screen. The desktop app will also remember your layout and webcam filter preferences for future meetings. Read on to learn more.



  • Ability to zoom and pan shared screen on Windows
  • Remember Windows Viewer layout and filters
  • Bug fixes & minor changes


Rollout plan:

  • This build was deployed to customers beginning December 28, 2017.


What's New?

Ability to Zoom and Pan Shared Screen on Windows

  • Windows users can now zoom for a closer view of the shared screen and pan around the shared screen. Zoom by choosing a percentage in the Zoom drop-down menu, selecting CTRL and + (zoom in) or CTRL and - (zoom out). Note that this feature is only available if the entire screen is not visible and if the user does not have keyboard/mouse control. (COLLABEP-18546)

Remember Windows Viewer Layout and Filters

  • The desktop app will now remember user's Viewer layout (adjusted size and position on 2nd screen) and webcam filters for future sessions. (COLLABEP-19347)


Bug Fixes & Minor Changes:

  • Fix for some attendees being able to see the Presenter's Windows Control Panel (PLASST-283)
  • Fix for some attendees seeing a blank screen rather than the proper shared screen when presnter is on Windows (PLASST-264)
  • Fix for the Mac GrabTab not displaying correctly when user enters when running Mission Control (the Mac dashboard) (COLLABEP-20716)
  • Fix for clipped German Settings and Recording texts on Macs (COLLABEP-20884)
  • Fix for Mac Screen Sharing pane displaying extra text for attendees promoted to the Presenter role (COLLABEP-20886)
  • Cosmetic improvements to webcam and Viewer layout (COLLABEP-20253; -20221)
  • Improvements to the Windows Viewer slider to close/hide webcams (COLLABEP-19891)
Updated 7 years ago
Version 1.0