ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Certificates woefully ignored by GTT I've been asking GoTo for customizable certificates since 2015. Still waiting. I work in the health sciences field as a continuing education provider, and one aspect of medical compliance is that the certificate given to attendees upon completion of their training is that the certificate must include information from the certifying body that has approved the training for the specified number of contact hours. The certificate must include the name of the certifying body and the approval code given by the certifying body for each specific course. The certifying body reserves the right to conduct an audit of all training materials, including the test, evaluation, and certificates granted. Since customizable certificates aren't yet an option with GoTo, I email certificates to individuals who complete the training. This is cumbersome and not at all efficient. Re: New restrictions on storage space for recordings Ash, The problem has been happily and gratefully solved by contacting Customer Support again. Although My Recordings page listed only one recording, Customer Support advised me to change the date of my search for recordings using the drop-down arrow, then to choose Custom Date Range from 2017. Using that custom date range, there were several other recordings that popped up from 2019 that I was able to delete, thereby creating more than enough storage space for my needs. Am delighted to report that I have no need to contact to sales to purchase more storage - - a good thing during the economic crisis brought to us by COVID-19! With kind regards, Debra Swank Re: New restrictions on storage space for recordings Hi Ash, LogMeIn's calculation feature for GoToTraining storage may not be working correctly. I currently have only 278 KB of Word documents in my library (equivalent to 0.0002651214599609375 GB), as well as 2.3 MB for one PowerPoint (equivalent to 0.00224609375 GB) , and 217.3 MB for only one recording (equivalent to 0.21220703125 GB) . As I attempt to solve this problem, my current storage total listed at 1.8 GB doesn't change in response to any item I remove or add. I'm using an online calculator to confirm my GoToTraining storage usage. If 1024KB = 1MB and 1024 MB = 1 GB, how can I now be experiencing new storage restrictions in my nearly 5-year-old account with so few MB and KB listed above? As mentioned in my original post on this topic, I previously had numerous recordings stored in my 2GB limit in my GoToTraining account, as well as my usual number of Word documents and one PowerPoint in my library as course materials. Please advise if my math calculations are off. Debra Swank New restrictions on storage space for recordings I now have storage space in my recordings for only one recording. The length of my trainings has not changed. I've had my GoToTraining account for nearly five years, and until recently, have had storage space for numerous recordings of my trainings. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I contacted Customer Support early this morning, and was advised of an expedited request to address this difficulty, although I haven't yet heard a response. SolvedRe: Customizing Certificates:Agree wholeheartedly.Re: Customizing Certificates: Your point is one that I've also raised re: medical compliance requirements to administer a test and an evaluation tool in order to dispense approved continuing education units/credits/hours that are listed on the certificate of attendance. This is a standard practice in all health care professions in the U.S. Most continuing education training in the health sciences is done online with only a tiny fraction of liveofferings available, and the remainder are pre-recorded trainingsor print media for viewing, and the format is straightforward: 1) View the training. 2) Take the test. 3) Complete the evaluation. 4) Receive the certificate of attendance with the approved continuing education hours. "Approved" is a reference to approval by one's credentialing body, which is a rigorous process. It's a straightforward process that health professionals have come to expect over the past two decades or more, and the process has become so sophisticated that completed continuing education certificates can be sent electronically to one's state board, including state boards of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, etc. I'm not requesting that kind of labor-intensive sophistication. However, I would very much like to have the features that accompany the live trainings to be replicated in the pre-recordedtrainings. Because my training topics are health science topics, over 80% of my registrantsopt for the convenience of recordedversus live trainings. This differs from the corporate world where all employees can be expected to attend a meeting, whereas in inpatient settings, employees cannot vacate a hospital floor and leave patients unattended, although if such insanity were to occur, abandoning patients would be grounds for immediate termination of employment. Inpatient staff obtain their continuing education hours on their days off, and hence the popularity of pre-recording trainings. These continuing education hours also must be obtained according to state regulations for renewal of one's license to practice. For example, here in Florida, registered nurses must renew their nursing license every two years. GoToTraining has had a business relationship with at least one online entity for nurses in regard to some offerings. Medscape,, and many other online entities offer straightforward online training for medical, nursing, pharmacy, and other staff to meet continuing education requirements for licensure renewal. Hospital managers will not schedule staff to work unless they have a valid and active license to practice, and there are thousands of online courses offered in various health specialties. Hospitals even hire medical compliance officers to ensure that staff is in compliance with state regulations for licensure, in order to meet standards of patient care that staff is legally allowed to practice in a given state, based upon standardized education, training, and board exams in one's specialty. These standards are in support of patient safety. It would be ideal to have the ability (or option) to send out the certificate of attendance ONLY if the test and evaluation tool have been submitted. If the certificate of attendance is sent out before the attendee has submitted the test and evaluation tool, it would be an enormous task to send email reminders to attendees who already feel they have completed all that is needed, particularly if they are in possession of the certificate. My credentialing body requires that all training records are maintained for a six-year period in the event of an audit. I manually send out the certificate of attendance, rather than having it automatically sent via GoToTraining/LogMeIn. In that way, attendees do not receive a certificate unless they've submitted the test and evaluation tool, and I don't have to chase attendees down via email and repeatedly request that they complete and submit the test and evaluation tool.