ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Teams notifications don't appear when using Gotomypc Hi Glen, Thank you. Yes, the same network but the caveat is one workstation is in GTMPC and the other isn't. So, if my client is at the office and another team member is working from home and using GTMPC to access their workstation in the office and they want to Share Screens they cannot. The person in GTMPC never receives the Accept Request. I opened a case with Microsoft a few weeks ago regarding the mouse control request with them creating Teams logs, etc... and their analysis is it's a GTMPC issue. I have openedTicket 20221268 with GTMPC. There may be two issues here, a Share Screen issue when one is in GTMPC and the other is in same domain. The other is when you are Sharing the Screen the person in G2MPC does not get prompted for the Mouse Control request. For example, my client sends me a screen share request while he is in GTMPC while I am external (meaning in teams I am not in his domain) at my home office. I accept, I see his screen then I click to ask for Mouse Control and he never gets the request. Just two blank windows added to his Teams icon on his taskbar. I will be checking Teams security for sure on the domain Screen Share issue. Yes, we can demonstrate to your support team. Let me know when they are available and how to contact. Thanks. Re: Teams notifications don't appear when using Gotomypc My clients and I have been experiencing similar behavior with the MS Teams Desktop version. If we are in the same domain we cannot receive each other's MS Teams request Screen Shares, but if my client is in a G2MPC session within their domain, and I am in my local domain at my home office desk without G2MPC I will be able to receive and accept the screen share. Then the next issue is with mouse control. If using the different domain scenario, and I request mouse control from my client inside his G2MPC session he never gets the request. What he sees are two additional windows on his taskbar under Teams. One is an entirely black window, and the other window is a narrower black bar with the heading "Sharing Control bar". I can see this also because I do see his screen, I just can't control it. A workaround they found for being in G2MPC and their same domain is using the web version for just a share screen, no mouse control is available. For mouse control they will use their local domain home PC's with MS Teams desktop installed on it for Sharing the screen and giving Mouse Control while their G2MPC session is a browser window to their Office Workstation in their domain.