Add engagement scores to objects returned by one of the GoTo Webinar API endpoints
Hello, We leverage the GoTo Webinar API to run a lot of processes that rely on webinar attendance and interactions. We also would love to start using the engagement scores that are currently downloadable via the dashboard. We would love for these scores to be available via any of the endpoints of the Session Attendees API. It would be nice if the engagement score was available as an attribute of an attendee whenever we query the session attendees endpoint. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, or some some clarification as to our use case for this attribute. Best, Abdou16Views0likes0CommentsIs there a way to Count the # of Hands raised at a particular point? ( a "Snapshot" count if you would?)
I would LOVE to be able to get a snapshot count of the number of hands raised.. at any time. I'll ask a question of the group, ask for a show of hands.. and it'd be nice to get a) a count and b) a %age calculation ( ie: 4 hands raised, 25 % of my group (of 16) )3.7KViews0likes9CommentsAccidentally Closed Poll - Can I Restart
A few times during live webinars, I have accidentally clicked "Close" on a poll right after launching it, before anyone has a chance to respond. Is there any way to restart a poll or reset it on the fly? It's pretty annoying that the "Launch" button immediately turns into the "Close" button and there is no "Undo" or "Relaunch".2.7KViews3likes3CommentsAdd more than 20 polls during a webinar?
I have a long webinar where I need to generate 30+ polls but I see there is a limit of 20. Is it possible to delete used poll questions during the webinar and add new ones as a workaround? Are there any other options to have more than 20 polls?7.8KViews0likes17CommentsImprove the way a webinar Presenter sees poll results.
When sharing the poll results, the organizer and attendees can view the results, but the panelist/presenter cannot. We tried undocking the "Audience View" pane and expading it, but the font is too blurry to read. Our solution is for the Organizer to give an audible report of the results ("25% said they have no prior experience"). This could work, but is not ideal. It would be much better for the pan./pres. to SEE the results than to try to remember what they were from what someone said. Plus, to the audience it feels like someone is reading contents of a slide (which is exaclty what happens), and presenters know that reading a slide to an audience is not good practice when presenting. Is there a better solution?4.1KViews5likes10CommentsAllow panelists to vote in the polls
I'm looking to use our GotoWebinar account to conduct an upcoming meeting that will require voting on topics for which I was going to use the poll feature. For all meeting attendees to be able to speak, I was planning on making them all panelists (12 people). Can panelists vote in the polls?6.6KViews0likes12Comments