Application Updates Scheduling
Hi all, Is there a way to schedule Application Updates like you are able to do with Windows Updates? Currently, if we configure the settings for "Automatic Updates" the Central will scan for applications updates everyday between 12am and 6am. Scheduling when this scan is executed will minimize the issues that could arise when running updates. Thank you!588Views1like2CommentsAdd Updates section in Central to the API
The API is great and is doing everything we need, however it would be great to see the 'Updates' section in LogMeIn Central added to the API too. Even at a basic level being able to pull through how many (Quantity) of "Important Updates" and "Optional Updates" need to be installed on a host PC. We can currently do this for the Antivirus program, but not the Windows Updates - which seems simple enough?2.1KViews0likes10CommentsApplications update inventory
The new Application Update system. I know it is very basic by design but a little too basic. I know you can run an inventory of applications but that shows all applications installed. What would be nice is to get a report of the applications and versions that is being managed by Application Update. Then you could see where you are. Be able to confirm applications are updated and what version everyone is running. I see a simple addon to the current inventory report to maybe give an option for just managed apps. Thanks386Views0likes0CommentsAtualizações de Aplicativos - Application Updates
Do lado do Status de várias CPUs fica rodando um temporizador “Instalando atualizações, Isso pode levar algum tempo”, esse tipo de status com temporizador ocorre para CPUs já atualizadas, com atualizações pendentes ou até para as que estão offline por bastante tempo... Não tem informações de quais são as atualizações, de quem e quando as iniciou, não tenho ideia de quando termina, pois demora dias e mais dias com esse status que aparenta ser infinito: On the Status side of several CPUs, a timer “Installing updates, this may take some time” is running, this type of status with timer occurs for CPUs already updated, with pending updates or even for those that have been offline for a long time... There is no information on what the updates are, who and when they started them, I have no idea when it ends, as it takes days and days with this status that seems to be infinite:1KViews0likes2CommentsHistórico de Atualizações - Update History
Criar um relatório com visualização simplificada para as atualizações de Windows, deveriam ser desmembradas individualmente por equipamento; Computadores: Nome dos Hosts Tipo: Windows Iniciada em: Data de início das atualizações Modo de início: “Manual” ou “Automático” Quantidade de atualizações iniciadas: 9 de 12 disponíveis Andamento: “Em andamento 6 de 9”; “Bem-sucedida”; “Falha”; “Parcial 7/9” Conclusão em: Data de Conclusão da atualização Detalhes: Exibir Status detalhado em caso de falha citar o motivo. Create a report with simplified visualization for Windows updates, which should be broken down individually by equipment; Computers: Hostname Type: Windows Started on: Updates start date Start mode: “Manual” or “Automatic” Number of updates started: 9 out of 12 available Progress: “In progress 6 of 9”; “Successful”; "Failure"; “Partial 7/9” Completion on: Update Completion Date Details: View Detailed Status in case of failure, state the reason.562Views1like0CommentsAtualização do host - Host update information
Poderia exibir “data que disparou o último processo de atualização” e também o “resultado: “andamento”, “sucesso”, “erro”, “parcial”. It could display “date that triggered the last update process” and also the “result: “progress”, “success”, “error”, “partial”.444Views0likes0Comments