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Resolve News

February Product Update

kim_zupancic's avatar
GoTo Contributor
2 years ago

February monthly product update!  


Hi GoTo Resolve community! It’s great to be back with another round of updates. I am excited to share feature updates launched in the past few weeks. Whether you are a longtime user or just getting started with GoTo Resolve, I think you will find something here that piques your interest.

As always, you can also stay up to date on current releases here. 



Latest round of improvements to the Ticketing functionality


End-User management improvements: 


Creating End-users from the Ticket Editor 


End-users can be created directly from the ticket editor. End-users created can be added immediately to a ticket, even before a ticket is saved. Newly created end-users can be assigned to any future ticket as well. 


More information about the end-user can also be added, such as: 

  • Position 
  • Company 
  • Phone 
  • Notes 


To give a newly created user access to the end-user portal,  select the “Send welcome e-mail” option. This will automatically inform the user of their account creation and provide a link to create a password to sign in. 



Automatic End-user Creation 


If an end-user without a Resolve account submits a ticket, a user account will automatically be created for them. This is true regardless of the ticket submission source,  such as e-mail, Teams or Slack. 


Automatically created end-users will also receive an e-mail notification. This notification contains a link to the end-user portal as well as steps to create a password, in case a password has not been set. 



Open Ticket in the End-user Portal from the E-mail Notification 


When end-users receive e-mail notifications about a ticket being created or updated, the e-mail will now contain a ticket link, pointing to the end-user portal. As such, end-users will always receive up-to-date information and can also add comments or attachments to the ticket(s) submitted. 



All Tickets Available in the End-user Portal 


All tickets now appear in an end-user's ticket list, regardless of the source from which it was submitted. 




Landing Page Improvements 

Users accessing the Helpdesk for the first time will be notified if helpdesk services have not been created, or if they have not been assigned to one. This change provides a smoother onboarding experience users.


The landing page also provides instructions on how to adjust the configuration to see the tickets. 



 More Improvements


Masking Fields in Support Sessions 


Admins can now mask the personal details of the agents in their organization for the purpose of remote support sessions. When personal details are masked, end-users can only see the first name and the domain name of the agent's email address. 





New Support URL For Resolve Sessions 


This URL change aims to improve the end-user & agent experience by aligning domains to 


Landing Page If Signed Out: 



Landing Page If Signed In: 





Upcoming feature releases:  


The following improvements are currently on their way: 


  • Custom ticket fields  & ticket statuses 
  • SLA for tickets 
  • GoTo Resolve Zendesk Integration 
  • Several Improvements to RMM feature set  
  • & More! 


Stay tuned for more updates and new features to help you streamline your IT operations in 2023 with GoTo Resolve – The All-on-one IT support and management solution.  


Feel free to reach out for any questions or feedback. 


Thank you for being part of the GoTo Resolve family! 


Kim Zupancic 

Senior Product Marketing Manager, GoTo Resolve

Updated 2 years ago
Version 2.0
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