Forum Discussion

Chris Messer's avatar
Chris Messer
New Member
12 years ago

How can I report/export data in my Tasks?

Would like to report on tasks for each incident/problem.

3 Replies

  • I'd like to add support to the idea of being able to report on tasks. It's a major drawback for us not to be able to simply see all outstanding tasks and who they are assigned to.
  • Has the feature to be able to report on/export data in Tasks been incorprated in GTA? The Tasks is such a useful feature and the reporting is an essential feature for us.
  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    12 years ago
    Hi Chris,

    We have a "Tasks Dashboard" currently planned for implementation which should reveal all the tasks you have, bringing them to a section of their own.

    Aside from that, there's no way to really report on tasks, or export them. It's a good idea, and a feature request that has been raised a couple of times now. I've added a +1 against it internally.
