Forum Discussion

tibor44's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Linking answers to ticket via labels

Hello Everyone,


Is there any way to link the answers of a ticket to only one ticket?


For example: If the reply email's body or subject contains a specific string "B#20124" (the ticket ID) the answer will automatically added as comment to the ticket?


This is very important to us becase we are communicating with other "helpdesks" via generic emails like If they are repling to the ticket a newone is automatically created and sometimes its very fustrating for my coworkers.


Also can someone link me the documentation for the GTA service desk?


Best regards

Tibor K




  • AshC's avatar
    5 years ago

    tibor44 The reason for the new ticket is because they aren't responding to the SD Notification, but to an email thread that includes the ServiceDesk Email. 


    They will need to add the other people (not the User or Customer) as External copies on the watchlist and then respond to the SD notification,-- as opposed to the original email thread where they were sent.

3 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    tibor44 The reason for the new ticket is because they aren't responding to the SD Notification, but to an email thread that includes the ServiceDesk Email. 


    They will need to add the other people (not the User or Customer) as External copies on the watchlist and then respond to the SD notification,-- as opposed to the original email thread where they were sent.

  • tibor44's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago

    All I need to reverse engineer how to link comments to a ticket, what needs to be included to the HelpDesk generated HTML message to append the replies as customer comments?


    To be exact:

    There is general e-mail address:

    There are multiple users of that company who has a diffrent e-mail:


    When John Doe replies to the ticket sent to the support@ they will use their personal john.doe@ e-mail address and it is creating a new ticket.


    And that is the problem