Forum Discussion

Joshua Davidson's avatar
Joshua Davidson
Active Contributor
10 years ago

New Design complaints, Grey report notifications

So the button to keep the old layout disappeared today and now we're forced to use the new colors/spacing.

My question, why was the decision made to use white text on grey buttons on a light grey background for report notification icons?

My eyes are not the best but I might as well no longer have these notifications. What happened to the concept of contrast in design ?

that said, what was the problem with leaving the old design available to customers who preferred it? We can't stand the new spacing and loss of information on the What's New tab, not to mention the entire site extremely bothers my eyes with the mixes of grey, light grey, and white everywhere... gives me a headache just thinking about it.

I know the discussion on this came and went and I don't see many improvements having been made, but this will likely be the tipping point on us moving to another solution.

We're talking about a site we access a hundred times a day each some days, it needs to be clear, organized, easy on the eyes, and as informative as possible with as little effort as necessary to pick things out and this site no longer meets those specifications.

Please let me know if there's still some way to return to the old design, or at least to change the white on grey on light grey on white icons.

4 Replies

  • troglotech's avatar
    Active Contributor
    10 years ago
    More counter productive drek from the ivory tower. These changes were previewed three months ago and readability, screen layout and double spacing were universally panned by respodents. Please dont claim responsiveness to customer feedback. Seems thats never been your strong suit. Thanks.
  • Joshua Davidson's avatar
    Joshua Davidson
    Active Contributor
    10 years ago
    Hi Jemmy,

    The notifications I am referring to are when you add a report to the dashboard, it appears as below:

    It's the white on grey on light grey that is challenging for me. I understand if there was a goal to make it color-neutral so as to go well with varying templates that change the title bar color, however perhaps with the current grey the circle icons are using, maybe a black font or even a thicker or bolded white font would be more readable.

    I rely on noticing these numbers updating throughout the day to route tickets that come in to each group or to the development team and they have really sunken into the background of the page for me.
  • jemmyw's avatar
    Active Contributor
    10 years ago
    Hi Joshua,

    There's no way to revert to the old design, it has been removed. It's just not feasible for our team to maintain features for two separate designs. All of Citrix GotoAssist is moving to a common design pattern.

    I'm not sure where the icons you're referring to are. If you could post a screenshot then we can take a look and see if we can improve it.

    I will raise your issues with the "What's New" section. There was not a conscious decision to make parts harder to read of course, and we did take a lot of feedback on improving spacing, sizing and contrast during a trial period. The site looks significantly different from the first take on the redesign.

    As to the whole site spacing et al, I personally think it looks better if you zoom out once with ctrl+- to 90%