Forum Discussion

Jon9's avatar
New Member
4 years ago

How to change the master account holder to someone who is already registered as a LogmeIn user?


I am registered as the master account holder for the companies LogMeIn account.

As I will soon be leaving the company, I need to switch the master account to someone else.

The issue is that the someone else is already registered with LogMeIn, so when I try and make the change via Settings >> Account Settings >> LogMeIn ID  I get "This email address is already in use as a LogMeIn ID".

Do I have to remove the user so I can add them back in as master or is there a cleaner way?7




1 Reply

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago

    Hi Jon9 

    I'm afraid you cannot currently change a regular account member into the account holder; you must delete them, and then re-invite them from scratch.