Forum Discussion

JasonUsesG2A's avatar
New Member
12 years ago

Custom Ticket Numbering

I'd like the option to be able to customize how incidents, changes, and problems are numbered to comply with upcoming internal policies.

I'm alright with the current auto-number-start-from-zero configuration, but I'd like to be able to have a few prefix fields that could either be variables, fixed characters, or fields such as year and julian date, with the option of restarting each day with ticket #1.
Example: The first ticket today would be 20130352001 (Year Julian Date Ticket#).
I'm thinking long term it would be nice to immediately know when a ticket was opened simply by looking at the number.

1 Reply

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    12 years ago
    Hey Jason,

    Thanks for the feedback, we don't currently have plans to make the numbering system that complex. Could you not get around this with reporting?
