Forum Discussion

JayMan6014's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Goto Assist and VDI Machines



We have 600+ VDI's we want to install the MSI file on. Now these are floating VDI's which refresh every 12-24 hours so we need to put the MSI in the gold image. The only issue is they machines don't show up in the unattended list. Just the machine for the gold image does. Is there anything we need to do like a registry key or something to delete so each time the VDI is remade it adds it into the unatteneded list?

3 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    JayMan6014  I understand your frustration, as there are other users who wish to accomplish the same goals.  If we confirm any workarounds to this problem, we will update the community with new info.


  • JayMan6014's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago
    If that was the case, if I pushed out the MSI to any of the floating VDI's they should all show up as that org. gold image for the name but they don't. I can't run something to erase the UUID that Goto Assist is using so when the image goes out and it does the sysprep it makes picks up the new UUID? Not being able to use this in a VDI system is a huge issue for us. We have 600+ work at home users.
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    JayMan6014  I am afraid that all copies of the Gold would have teh same UUID, which is how we recognize unique clients.  In this scenario, a new install of Unattended Support software on a duplicate would remove the original listing once complete.